Saturday, March 12, 2016

Cooking Basics: Onion/Garlic Subsitute

Many savory recipes have as their first step some form of: 'sauté onion and garlic'.  When you can't eat either of those foods you need a substitute. With some suggestions from friends and some trial and error, my housemate came up with a mixture of sliced celery and asafetida that is the basis of a lot of our cooking.


Onion Substitute
  • celery, sliced thinly in the same volume as the ingredients it is replacing
  • Asafoetida to taste (I use about ⅛-¼  tsp when sautéing an 'onion's worth' of celery)
  • Spices that complement or match the dish the faux-onion-garlic will be used in
Garlic Substitute
  • celery from the inner part of the bunch (the pale skinny stalks, but not the leaves) chopped as fine as the ingredient it is replacing and to the same volume
  • asafoetida to taste (¼-½ tsp)
Caramelized Onions
  • celery, sliced thinly in the same volume as the ingredients it is replacing
  • Asafoetida to taste (I use about ⅛-¼  tsp when sautéing an 'onion's worth' of celery)
  • molasses, drizzle to taste (again, based on the volume you are making)

Instructions for all:

  • heat a pan to medium heat
  • add butter or oil, again in proportion to the volume you are cooking
  • sprinkle the spices on the heated oil or butter
  • add celery and sauté until the celery becomes translucent or to taste
This can be made ahead with just the asafoetida & celery and frozen if needed.

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